He slouched off, back toward the school.
他无精打采的回去了学校。I heard a low chuckle.
我听到了低声的笑。Edward was walking past the front of my truck, looking straight forward, his lips pressed together.
Edward从我的卡车面前走过,一直向前看着,它的嘴唇紧紧抿着。I yanked the door open and jumped inside, slamming it loudly behind me.
我猛地打开门然后跳进去,然后重重的关上了门。I revved the engine deafeningly and reversed out into the aisle.
我轰鸣着引擎倒车出了过道。Edward was in his car already, two spaces down, sliding out smoothly in front of me, cutting me off.
在离我两个停车位远的地方,爱德华已经坐在车里了,他把车平稳的停在我的前面。He stopped there — to wait for his family;
他停在那里等他的家里人。I could see the four of them walking this way, but still by the cafeteria.
我能看见他们四个走在一起,但是还在自助餐厅旁的路上。I considered taking out the rear of his shiny Volvo, but there were too many witnesses.
我真的想直接装上他光亮的Volvo,但是有太多的目击者了。I looked in my rearview mirror.
我看着我的反光镜。A line was beginning to form. Directly behind me, Tyler Crowley was in his recently acquired used Sentra, waving.
车排成了一条长龙。执着的跟着我,我后面的第一辆车,是泰勒刚弄到的二手森特拉,他正坐在车里向我挥手。I was too aggravated to acknowledge him.